Lyrical Place
Basant Ritu Maa Jaiyee Lyrics
Lyrics - Hindi, Hinglish, Punjabi, Garhwali, Haryanvi Songs Lyrics
Basant Ritu Maa Jaiyee Lyrics
Narendra Singh Negi
Chali Bhai Motar Chali
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Basant Ritu Maa Jaiyee Lyrics
Sing along with the lyrics of the song Basant Ritu Maa Jaiyee (बसंत ऋतु मा जैई) from the album Chali Bhai Motar Chali the song has been sung by a well-known and famous artist of Uttrakhand Narendra Singh Negi the music for the song has been given by Narendra Singh Negi and the lyrics has also been penned down by Negi Ji Himself he is a very respected artist from Uttrakhand he has multiple songs that has added glory to the cultural aspect of Uttrakhand, the song बसंत ऋतु मा जैई has been launched under the label name T-Series Regional featuring Narendra Singh Negi.
With Lyricalplace, you can now read song lyrics in Hindi and English while listening to your favorite songs.