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Lyrics - Hindi, Hinglish, Punjabi, Garhwali, Haryanvi Songs Lyrics

Anamika Vashisth, Anjali Khare, Avantika Negi, Ekta Negi, Ruchika Kandari, Shalini Bahuguna, Shiwani Bhagwat, Sunidhi Vashisth, Sushma Nautiyal, Aman Dhanai, Deepak Naithani, Ishaan Dobhal.
Utrakhandi Maangalgeet
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Anamika Vashisth, Anjali Khare, Avantika Negi, Ekta Negi, Ruchika Kandari, Shalini Bahuguna, Shiwani Bhagwat, Sunidhi Vashisth, Sushma Nautiyal, Aman Dhanai, Deepak Naithani, Ishaan Dobhal.
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Maangal is an Uttarakhandi Maangalgeet Which presents the tradition of Uttarakhand the lokgeet of traditional wedding song this song is sung at the time of haldi ceremony in Garhwali wedding by the ladies' of town. This Uttarakhandi Lokgeet has been presented earlier by Narendra Singh Negi ji in his album Haldi Haath- Uttarakhandi Maangalgeet Which has been released by Label T-Series Regional. Pandavaas recreate this song in the new beautiful voices of Anamika Vashisth, Anjali Khare, Avantika Negi, Ekta Negi, Ruchika Kandari, Shalini Bahuguna, Shiwani Bhagwat, Sunidhi Vashisth, Sushma Nautiyal, Aman Dhanai, Deepak Naithani, Ishaan Dobhal. you can listen to this newer version on the official channel of Pandavaas or the older version on T-Series Regional both has been available on their YouTube channels.