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Yelelo Yelelo
Lyrics - Hindi, Hinglish, Punjabi, Garhwali, Haryanvi Songs Lyrics

Yelelo Yelelo
Anurag Kulkarni
Feb, 2023
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Yelelo Yelelo
The song "Yelelo Yelelo" from the movie Shaakuntalam is a beautiful and melodious composition that captures the essence of love and longing in its lyrics. The song is written in Telugu language and has been performed by Shanvi Srivastava with notable grace and finesse. The lyrics of the song depict the emotions of a lover who yearns for their beloved, describing their absence as unbearable pain and the sight of them as a calming balm to soothe it. The imagery employed in the words effectively evokes sentiments of romance, devotion, and sacrifice. The music score combines traditional Indian instruments with modern orchestral arrangements to create an elegant soundscape that compliments the poetic nature of the song. Overall, Yelelo Yelelo encapsulates the beauty of love in its purest form through both its lyrical content and musical execution.